MY TREE STORY: Victoria Murwira

 In Tree Talk

I am Victoria Murwira from Chitungwiza. Chitungwiza is known as an urban with few vegetation cover due to rampant urbanization that has happened in the past decades. When I was young we used to have wetlands, different types of shrubs and trees. As the township continued to grow, I discovered that our wetlands and vegetation were also disappearing.


How did that happen?


Population growth triggered the loss of trees, as people cleared the land to pave way for settlement.  Today Chitungwiza is one of the townships with the worst water crisis in Zimbabwe, yet it used to be a wetland, where all the waters would converge and stored underground for future use. The irony.  Where did all the water go to?


As I grew up I used to visit my relatives in the rural homestead of Masvingo and that is where I got to know different types of tree species, especially native trees.  But my interests only lied with the fruit trees such as Mutohwe because I loved eating their fruits.  With numerous visits to the village, my knowledge on forests resources and their uses also grew. I learnt that aloe ( gavakava) is used as a  skin care  product, treating boils and burns. Learning more and understanding better the importance of biodiversity ignited a love of the Natural Environment in me. This is evidenced by my choice of career. I am currently studying towards a  Natural Resources degree has enhance the  role of natural environment in sustaining  all forms of life on planet Earth.


Academic field trips to Botanical gardens have helped me to have a positive attitude towards natural resources conservation and appreciate biodiversity. Going forward, I am eager to acquire more knowledge on tree anatomy, biodiversity conservation, so that I can help the nation and my community to recover vegetation loss.


If you  were a tree, what tree would you be and why

I would be pterocarpus angolensis commonly known as mukwa or Mubvamaropa. From its Shona name mubvamaropa, when cut it bleeds.  It resonates with me because when something tragic happens to me I also get hurt in the same way.


Pterocarpus angolencis is a deciduous tree, with dark brown bark and a high, wide crowned canopy of shiny compound leaves, so as me my dedication to the wellbeing of the environment is quite impressive and attracting.


Mukwa falls under leguminous family, therefore it enhances the environment by fixing nitrogen in the soil, it is similar to me as I help and encourage people especially my colleagues to be more productive in school and their different tasks.


It grows in southern and eastern Africa, it is a pioneer species on woodland and forest margins, so as I pioneer success through innovative ideas.


The hardwood is resistant to borers and termites, very strong, durable and has a pleasing spicy fragrance. Just like me, I have a strong character and am resistant to negativity.


The wood is used to make various musical instruments, which resonate with my sweet entertaining and soothing character like soul music.

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