General Comment No.26: Children’s Environmental Rights and their significance to Zimbabwean Children.

 In Featured, Tree Talk

This week Environmental Buddies Zimbabwe Trust joined the rest of the world in celebrating a milestone in the launch of the General Comment 26 on 18th September 2023. The efforts of children to draw attention to environmental crises created the motivation for General Comment No.26 and were the force behind this general comment. The Committee together with its partners launched a series of in-person and online consultations from October 2021 to February 2023 including children’s consultation and thematic workshops. The Committee received more than 170 written submissions from States, United Nations Entities, National Human Rights Institutions, Civil society, Children’s Organizations and Experts on both the concept note and the first draft of the General Comment. To ensure inclusivity, contributions from 16 331 children from 121 countries were included in the draft.


The objectives of the General Comment No. 26 are:
1) To emphasize the need to address the adverse effects of environmental degradation focusing on climate change on the enjoyment of Children’s rights
2) Promote a holistic understanding of Children’s Rights as they apply to environmental protection
3) Clarify the obligations of Member states to the Convention and provide guidance to address Environmental Harm with focus on climate change.

To ensure that the General Comment is representative of the diverse experiences and best interest of children globally, the committee has taken a collaborative, intergenerational approach to its development. Coordinated by Terres Des Homes and supported by local child Rights organizations, a children’s advisory team was established, bringing together 12 children aged 11 to 17 from different regions, backgrounds and with diverse lived experiences.

1. This was done to ensure that all Children have opportunities to contribute to the development of the General Comment through questionnaires, educational material and events.
2. It was also as a way to provide guidance on the general development of the General Comment and its child-friendly versions based on Children’s feedback.
3. Lastly it was to raise awareness of the General Comment among Children worldwide.

In the past, children’s rights were mainly violated in areas experiencing civil unrest and wars, but the planetary crisis, comprising the climate emergency, the collapse of biodiversity and pervasive pollution has become an urgent and systemic threat to children’s rights globally. There is a growing concern on the negative impact of climate change on children’s rights hence the need to amplify their voices. For some time now Children and young people worldwide have been calling on governments to take action on the environmental crisis, one of the greatest threats to children’s rights globally.


The effects of climate change on children can’t be ignored anymore. Over 1.7 million children lose their lives every year as a result of avoidable environmental impacts. Millions more are being forced to leave their homes, missing out on school and suffering from disease. According to recent studies, approximately 4 in 20 children worldwide are currently suffering from the adverse effects of climate change, such as increased frequency of natural disasters, food insecurity, and displacement.

Some of the children’s rights that are impacted negatively by environmental degradation and climate change include;
• Right to life, survival and development (6); death are being caused by natural disasters such as floods and droughts.

• Access to information (17) in times of natural disasters communication infrastructure is usually damaged cutting off media that children are supposed to use to get information. They include roads, phone network services and TV and Radio transmission.

• Right to health, water, food and environment (24); Children’s t health and wellbeing is affected by continued spread of diseases and invasion of new areas by pathogens. In addition access to water and food is affected by droughts and floods which affect crop yields causing malnutrition related diseases.

• Right to food, clothing and safe home (shelter) (27) Children find themselves without roof over their heads when homes are destroyed by natural disasters, for example Cyclone Idai March 2019 in Zimbabwe and flooding in Libya September 2023.

• Access to education (28) is affected by continuous disruptions of school due to natural disasters and reduced concentration due to increased heatwaves


The above statistics highlight the urgent need for action and the importance of General Comment No. 26 in addressing this global crisis. General Comment 26 recognizes the rights of children to participate in decisions that affect the environment. Participation of children in environmental protection empowers them to become active agents of change. Through hands-on involvement in planting trees, environmental education programs, and advocacy campaigns, children and youth gain a sense of empowerment, contributing to their personal development and fostering a lifelong commitment to environmental stewardship.


As environmental Buddies Zimbabwe we pride ourselves in actively joining hands with the rest of the world in celebrating this milestone. We promote the rights of children in the following activities;

1. Right to health and food; EBZ supports children’s health and nutrition by planting fruit trees, promotion of a balanced diet through sustainable livelihoods programs such as the growing of drought resistant cassava in order to fight malnutrition in children caused by persistent droughts and food shortages.

2. Right to clean water and sanitation; EBZ advocates for water conservation, Tree planting events rain water harvesting pits(zvimbuya mbuya) to help underground water recharge, filling up rivers ,wells and boreholes.

3. Right to clean and safe environment: We promote the planting of trees which are carbon sinks contributing to the health and wellbeing of children. Trees also reduce land degradation by binding soil particles together.


Let’s continue to unify our voices and speak for the future that we want to see…..

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