Trees:our culture, our everyday life.

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Our culture is what we eat, wear, the environment in which we live in. Whilst we might see trees around us as just natural vegetation and forestry, it reflects our culture and heritage. It is however unfortunate that this culture has been tainted by a negligence of the cultural significance trees hold at the expense of fulfilling human wants and needs that include building, energy and entrepreneurship.
Environmental Buddies Zimbabwe Trust in conjunction with Santa Heights Primary School brought back a vivid reminder of how trees are a mark of Zimbabwe’s cultural heritage. In a colorful ceremony highlighted by cultural music and dance as well as poetry, the Zimbabwean culture was brought back to its people.
The major highlighter of the day was the planting of forty trees at the school as a celebration of the Zimbabwean culture. The school had already dug out holes and forty trees successful plant on the day, a wooldlot that stands representative of our cultural history and culture today.
A vibrant event that was shared by a people with an understanding of the importance of trees, their uses and their significance.
DATE: 4 JULY 2017

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